this is me


I am Mern Stack Developer. I build interactive webapps that run across platforms & devices.

hero image

About Me..

I am extremely proficient in Front-End Development using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap-5, TailWindCSS, Javascript, React.Js, Redux, Jest, React Testing, and I Also have pretty good knowledge in Back-End Development using Node.Js, Express.Js & MongoDB as well as, I have Good knowledge in Creating and Handling REST API using Node.Js, and continuously engage in trying to extend my skills with new technology.

Front-End Skills

HTML CSS Bootstrap 5 TailWind JavaScript React Js Redux Jest Next Js 13

Back-End Skills

Node Js Express Js Mongo DB Git & GitHub Mern Stack Postman RestFUL Api

Latest Works..

Building a great website is more than just knowing how to make things look pretty or writing clever code. I listen to your needs, ensuring you get a product you’re happy with.

Web Apps
Web Sites

Services Offer

We provide everything you need for your perfect website. From the Ui Design to till hosting and maintaince of your website.

User Experience Design

I design your website to be as easy to use, I take the user’s experience first while guiding users towards the end goal.

Full Stack Development

I focus on making websites easy to interact with so users can easily reach their end goal.

Hosting & Maintaince

Your website is always growing. Whether you’re adding new features or making improvements we will take care of that.


I love to work with Adithya shetty and appreciate all his contributions to Scholars Go Project- A web application for of all latest off/on campus placement papers.

Avinash Shenoy

SDE at GlobalLogic

He is professional and enthusiastic and always willing to provide suggestions for improving accessibility and functionality of a Web Applications.

Nithin K

SDE at sonata software

I am avalibale free freelancing

Life is too short for poor user experience and bad beer. I never compromise on these two.

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